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Positions Held
March 2018–present
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea
서울대학교 자연과학대학 지구환경과학부 조교수, 부교수
March 2016–February 2018
Senior Research Scientist
Ocean Circulation and Climate Research Center, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Korea
한국해양과학기술원 해양순환기후연구센터 선임연구원
January 2013–February 2016 (specially-appointed during January 2013-March 2015)
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Japan
일본 홋카이도대학교 이학부 조교수
January–December 2012
Postdoctoral Fellow
Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, USA
미국 로드아일랜드대학교 해양대학원 박사후연구원
Major Service at the Department and the University
September 2018–present
Steering Committee Member, Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Program & Graduate Program in Computational Science and Technology, Seoul National University
서울대학교 계산과학 학부 연합전공, 대학원 협동과정 운영위원
April 2018–present
Steering Committee Member, Research Institute of Oceanography, Seoul National University
서울대학교 해양연구소 운영위원
External Community Service and Synergistic Activities (selected)
October 2021–present
Member of the International Steering Committee on the
2nd Cooperative Study of Kuroshio and its Adjacent Regions (CSK-2)
CSK-2 국제운영위원회 한국대표
January 2020–present
Member & Co-chair (2023– ) of the Scientific Steering Committee, PICES FUTURE Scientific Program: Forecasting and Understanding Trends, Uncertainty and Responses of North Pacific Marine Ecosystems
북태평양해양과학기구 FUTURE 프로그램 과학위원회 한국대표, 공동의장(2023– )
January 2020–present
Senate Member, Korean Society of Oceanography
한국해양학회 평의원
Funded Projects (selected)
February 2023–December 2025 (KRW 100,000K/year)
Joint application program of research vessel funded by Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea
"Diurnal variability of atmospheric water vapor over the upwelling region in the western tropical Indian Ocean"
해양수산부 연구선공동활용 "열대 서인도양 용승 해역의 대기 중 수증기량 일변화 연구"
March 2019–February 2023 (KRW 100,000K/year)
Basic Research Grants for Young Researcher Program from National Research Foundation of Korea
“A study on upstream-downstream connectivity of the western boundary current in the North Pacific and its relationship with mesoscale eddy activity”
한국연구재단 신진연구 "북태평양 서안경계류의 상-하류 연결성과 이에 미치는 중규모 소용돌이의 영향 연구"
2019 (additional KRW 100,000K)
Basic Research Grants for Young Researcher Program from National Research Foundation of Korea
selected as a New Innovative Lab
한국연구재단 신진연구과제 최초혁신실험실 선정
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